Research Projects
2024.08-2027.07 Constructing a Digital Storytelling Emotional Board Game with Emotional Scaffolding: Exploring Adolescents' Self and Interpersonal Emotional Learning Process (NSTC 113-2410-H-011 -003 -MY3) 2024.08-2025.07 Promoting Pre-service Teachers' Instructional Design Thinking and Collaborative Problem Solving through Problem-based Learning and Design Thinking (PED1136884) 2024.01-2024.12 鼓勵國內大專校院選送學生出國研修或國外專業實習資訊網 2021.08-2024.07 Constructing an Emotional Education Platform with Emotional Scaffolding- Infused Digital Storytelling: An Exploration of the Emotional Learning Process among Teenagers (MOST 110-2511-H-011-003-MY3) 2023.08-2024.07 Integrating Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in the flipped classroom to enhance students' collaborative problem solving, critical thinking, and learning effectiveness 2023.01-2023.12 國內大專校院選送學生出國研修或國外專業實習資訊網計畫 2022.08-2023.07 The Effects of Digital Storytelling Curriculum Integrated with PBL Model on Student Teamwork, Problem-solving and Digital Storytelling Performance 2022.01-2022.12 國內大專校院選送學生出國研修或國外專業實習資訊網計畫 2021.08-2022.07 Promoting the Practice of and Learning Performances in Reflective Thinking among Pre- service Teachers through Problem-based Learning (PBL) and ORID Model 2021.01-2021.12 國內大專校院選送學生出國研修或國外專業實習暨國外落點通報資訊網計畫 2019.08-2021.07 Exploring the Reflective Thinking Process of Pre-service Teachers through Reflect-with-Digital-Storytelling Forum in a Flipped Classroom (MOST 108-2511-H-011-007-MY2) 2020.08-2021.07 Exploring the Instructional Process and Effectiveness of Design Thinking Integrated into Creative Teaching Strategies 2020.01-2020.12 國內大專校院選送學生出國研修或國外專業實習暨國外落點通報資訊網計畫 2019.06-2019.12 國際教育2.0資訊網資料庫及國際架接推動計畫 2019.08-2020.07 Flipped Classroom Integrating Online Interactive Response System towards Enhancing Students' Learning Motivation and Engagement 2019.01-2019.12 國內大專校院選送學生出國研修或國外專業實習暨國外落點通報資訊網計畫 2017.08-2019.07 Building a Situated Game-based Learning Environment on Process Analysis: The Effect of an Integrated Learning Model on Students’Critical Thinking Performance and Teachers’ Critical Thinking Instruction (MOST 106-2511-S-011-002-MY2) 2018.01-2018.12 國內大專校院選送學生出國研修或國外專業實習暨國外落點通報資訊網計畫 2017.01-2017.12 國內大專校院選送學生出國研修或國外專業實習暨國外落點通報資訊網計畫 2016.08-2017.07 Exploring the educational experience of flipped classroom from the perspective of Community of Inquiry Framework: An investigation of high school students’ critical thinking and learning performance (MOST 105-2511-S-011-007) 2015.11-2018.10 The evaluation of embedding imagination and creativity in theindustry 4.0 curriculum and instruction (MOST 104-2511-S-011 -007 -MY3) 2016.01-2016.12 國內大專校院選送學生出國研修或國外專業實習暨國外落點通報資訊網計畫 2014.08-2016.07 Promoting college students' critical thinking through flipped classroom and structured online discussion model (MOST 103-2511-S-011-006-MY2) 2014.01-2014.12 國內大專校院選送學生出國研修或國外專業實習暨國外落點通報資訊網網計劃 2013.01-2013.12 國內大專校院選送學生出國研修或國外專業實習暨國外落點通報資訊網網計劃 2011.08-2013.07 The Impacts of CSCL Strategies on Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (NSC 100-2511-S-011-001-MY2) 2012.01-2012.12 獎助大專校院選送學生出國研修或海外專業實習暨海外留遊學及落點通報資訊網計 畫 2011.01-2012.12 獎助大專校院選送學生出國研修或海外專業實習暨海外留遊學及落點通報資訊網計 畫 2010.08-2011.07 Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Strategies and Critical Thinking (NSC 99-2511-S-011-004) 2010.01-2010.12 獎助大專校院選送學生出國研修或海外專業實習暨海外留遊學及落點通報資訊網計 畫 2009.08-2010.07 The Effects of the CSCL Strategies on Learning Performance and Group Interaction (NSC 98-2511-011-003) 2007.08-2010.07 An in-depth exploration for the role of Internet self-efficacy on learning (group project) (NSC96-2511-011-002-MY3) Plan I: The effects of teachers’ Internet self-efficacy on their integrating technology into instructional practice 2009.01-2009.12 大學校院選送學生出國研修、實習暨海外留遊學及落點通報資訊網計畫 2008.01-2008.12 網路教學與學習策略之統整計畫-子計畫一:高中職教師數位資源融入教學歷程之探 討 2008.01-2008.12 菁英留學-專案擴增留學計畫:大學校院選送學生赴國外研修、實習計畫 2007.01-2007.12 創造思考教學對高職生創造力之影響 2007.01-2007.12 菁英留學-專案擴增留學計畫:大學校院赴國外研修計畫 2006.01-2006.12 高職「機械材料」之多媒體輔助教材研發 2005.01-2005.12 推動高職新課程教師進修配套措施 2004.01-2004.12 高職「化學工業概論」之多媒體輔助教材研發(II) 2003.01-2003.12 高職「化學工業概論」之多媒體輔助教材研發(I) 2002.01-2002.12 以電腦多媒體設計高職「基本電學」科輔助教材之研究 |