Journal Papers
Asfani, K. & Chen, H.-L.* (2024). Problem or Project-Based Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Practices in Computer Education: A systematic review of SSCI articles published from 2014 to 2023. Education and Information Technologies, XX, XXXXX-XXXXX. (SSCI) doi: 10.1007/s10639-024-13125-9 Chen, H.-L.*, Yohannes, A., & Hung, N.-L. (2024). Effects of Escape Room Game-Based Civics Education on Junior High School Students’ Learning Motivation, Critical Thinking and Flow Experience. British Journal of Educational Technology, xx, xxxx-xxxx. doi: 10.1111/bjet.13519 (SSCI) Tedla, Y.G., & Chen, H.-L.* (2024). The impacts of computer-supported collaborative learning on students’ critical thinking: a meta-analysis. Education and Information Technologies,29, 16177-16203. (SSCI) doi: 10.1007/s10639-024-12857-y (SSCI) Yohannes, A., & Chen, H.-L.* (2024). The effect of flipped realistic mathematics education on Students’ achievement, mathematics self-efficacy and critical thinking tendency. Education and Information Technologies, XX, XXXXX-XXXXX. (SSCI) doi: 10.1007/s10639-024-12502-8 (SSCI) Chen, H.-L.*, & Chen, T.-Y. (2024). The effects of design thinking integrated into creative teaching on creative tendency, creative teaching self- efficacy and design thinking ability among student teachers. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 69(2), 243-273. doi: 10.6209/JORIES. 202406_69(2).0008(SCOUPS/TSSCI) Chen, H.-L.*, & Pan, T.-Y. (2024). The effects of digital storytelling with the reflective platform on graduate students' reflection performance, digital storytelling self-efficacy, and narrative performance. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 69(1), 1-33. doi: 10.6209/JORIES.202403_69(1).0001(SCOUPS/TSSCI) Yohannes, A., & Chen, H.-L* (2023). GeoGerbra in Mathmatics Education: A systematic review of joural articles published from 2010 to 2020. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(9), 5682-5697. doi:10.1080/10494820.2021.2016861(SSCI) Nguyen, V. T. T., & Chen, H.-L.* (2023). Examining impacts of information system success and perceived stress on students’ self-regulated learning mediated by intrinsic motivation in online learning environments: second-order structural equation modelling analyses, Education and Information Technologies, 28, 12945-12968. doi: 10.1007/s10639-023-11685-w (SSCI) Alemayehu, L., & Chen, H.-L.* (2023). The Influence of Motivation on Learning Engagement: The Mediating Role of Learning Self-Efficacy and Self-Monitoring in Online Learning Environments. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(7), 4605-4618. doi: 10.1080/10494820.2021.1977962 (SSCI) Ramadhana A.B., R. & Chen, H.-L.* (2023). A Commercial Off-the-Shelf Immersive Virtual Reality Game: Its Effect on Engineering Students, Education and Information Technologies, 28, 12319-12335. doi: 10.1007/s10639-023-11701-z (SSCI) Fan T.-Y., & Chen, H.-L.* (2023). Developing Cooperative Learning in a Content and Language Integrated Learning Context to Enhance Elementary School Students’ Digital Storytelling Performance, English Speaking Proficiency, and Financial Knowledge. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 39(4), 1354-1367. doi: 10.1111/JCAL.12804 (SSCI) Yohannes, A., Chen, H.-L.*, & Chang, C.-C. (2023). Effect of an interactive e-book on middle school students' mathematics reading and spatial ability. Educational Technology Research and Development, 71, 1869-1886. doi:10.1007/s11423-023-10225-0 (SSCI) Chen, H.-L.*, & Wu, C.-T. (2023). A digital role-playing game for learning: Effects on critical thinking and motivation. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(5), 3018-3030. doi: 10.1080/10494820.2021.1916765 (SSCI) Alemayehu, L., & Chen, H.-L.* (2023). Learner and Instructor-Related Challenges for Learners’ Engagement in MOOCs: A Review of 2014-2020 Publications in Selected SSCI Indexed Journals. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(5), 3172-3194. doi: 10.1080/10494820.2021.1920430 (SSCI) Chen, H.-L.*, "& Liao, Y.-C. (2022). Effects of panoramic image virtual reality on the workplace English learning performance of vocational high school students. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 59(8), 1601-1622. doi: 10.1177/0735633121999851 (SSCI) Chen, H.-L.*, Huang, P.-S., & Su, C.-Y. (2021). Designing a vocational high school instructional program to enhance creativity: Its effects on creative thinking ability and group process analysis. Journal of Research in Education Sciences, 66(3), 279-303. doi: 10.6209/JORIES.202109_66(3).0009 (SCOUPS / TSSCI) Chen, H.-L.*, & Chuang Y.-C. (2021). The effects of digital storytelling games on high school students' critical thinking skills. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning , 37(1), 265-274. doi: 10.1111/jcal.12487 (SSCI) Chen, H.-L.*, Widarso, G. V., & Sutrisno, H. (2020). A ChatBot for learning Chinese: Learning achievement and technology acceptance. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 58(6), 1161-1189. doi: 10.1177/0735633120929622 (SSCI) Chen, H.-L.*, & Chen, Y.-J. (2019). The effects of a creative problem-solving approach on college students’ creativity and its relationship with team cohesion. Journal of Education Sciences, 64(3), 219-251. doi:10.6209/JORIES.201909_64(3).0009 (TSSCI) Yen, M.-H., Chen, S.*, Wang, C.-Y., Chen, H.-L., Hsu, Y.-S., Liu, T.-C. (2018). A framework for self-regulated digital learning (SRDL). Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 34 (5), 580-589. doi: 10.1111/jcal.12264 (SSCI) Chen, H.-L.*, & Chang, C.-Y. (2017). Integrating the SOP2 model into the flipped classroom to foster cognitive presence and learning achievements. Educational Technology & Society, 20 (1), 274–291. (SSCI) Chien, K.-P., Tsai, C.-Y., Chen, H.-L., Chang, W.-H., & Chen, S.* (2015). Learning differences and eye fixation patterns in virtual and physical science laboratories. Computers & Education, 82, 191-201. Doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2014. 11.023 (SSCI) Chen, H.-L.*, Fan, H.-L., & Tsai, C.-C . (2014). The role of community trust and altruism in knowledge sharing: An investigation of a virtual community of teacher professionals. Educational Technology and Society, 17(3), 168-179. (SSCI) 陳秀玲*、朱麗蓉、蔡承岳(2012).操作制約在網路支援合作學習環境下之應用。數位學習科技,4(2),1-22頁。 陳秀玲*、蘇筑筠、許信德、費聿明(2009).特性要因圖在創意問題解決能力之應用。台科大人文社會學報,5,173-194頁。 Conference Papers Wang, K.-L., & Chen, H.-L.*(2024). Exploring the Impact of Digital Building Blocks on Spatial Self-Efficacy in Adults of Different Genders. The 7th International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning (ICITL 2024), Tartu, Estonia. Chen, H.-L.* (2024). Development of a Digital Emotional Storytelling Platform for the Emotional Learning of Adolescences. The 8th International Conference on Teaching, Learning and Education (ICTLE 2024), Dublin, Republic of Ireland. Chen, H.-L.*, & Chen, S.-Y. (2024). The Effects of Non-Violent Communication-based Emotional Education using a Digital Storytelling Platform on Adolescents’ Emotional Learning: Gender differences. The 15th International Conference on Learning Technologies and Learning Environments (LTLE 2024), Takamatsu, Japan. Balcha, A. R., & Chen, H.-L.* (2024). Research trends of Social Networking Site engagement among Underage Children: A Review of journal publications from 2011 to 2024. Paper presented at the 9th Conference on Digital Learning Strategies and Applications (DLSA 2024), Taipei, Taiwan. Samuel, T., & Chen, H.-L.* (2024). Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Maternity Care Education: a scoping review protocol and SWOT analysis. Paper presented at the 9th Conference on Digital Learning Strategies and Applications (DLSA 2024), Taipei, Taiwan. 陳秀玲、黃孟萱(2024),問題導向學習結合翻轉教室之課程對研究生合作問題解決自我效能之影響。論文發表於「第十九屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 (TWELF 2024)」,台灣台中。 陳秀玲、王芊懿(2024),結合問題導向學習的翻轉教室對學生批判性思考之影響。論文發表於「第十九屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 (TWELF 2024)」,台灣台中。 Nguyen, V. T. T., & Chen, H.-L.*. (2023). Impacts of integrating Social-Emotional Learning techniques using the Gamified Flipped Classroom Approach on improving students’ academic performance and fostering communication and collaboration tendencies. International Conference on Education and E-Learning (ICEEL 23),online. Chen, H.-L.*, Yohannes, A., & Chang, C.-C. (2023). Designing an Interactive E-book of Three Views for Enhancing Students’ Spatial Ability. The 14th International Conference on Learning Technologies and Learning Environments (LTLE 2023), Koriyama, Japan. 陳秀玲、陳懿君(2023),線上密室逃脫遊戲應用於英文科對九年級的學習成效、學習動機與學習心流的影響:以Gather Town與Google Forms為例。論文發表於「2023學術研討會:教育創新與永續發展」,台灣台北。 陳秀玲、陳思妤(2023),以問題導向學習(PBL)與焦點討論法 (ORID)為核心之教育概論課程對師培生反思表現之影響。論文發表於「2023 從課室到社會永續:教學實踐與創新研討會」,台灣台北。 Chen, H.-L. *, & Fan T.-Y. (2023). Enhancing Students’English Speaking Proficiency and Financial Knowledge with Digital Storytelling. The IAFOR International Conference on Education, Hawaii, USA. 陳秀玲、劉芳妤 (2022),以焦點討論法(ORID)和問題導向(PBL)為核心之教育概論課程對師培生教學現場專業知能之影響。論文發表於「2022教師專業發展學術研討會」,台灣台中。 Yohannes, A., & Chen, H.-L.* (2022). A Bibliometric Analysis of Performance and Co-words Analysis of the Technology Enhanced Mathematics Education (TEME). Paper presented at the 7th Conference on Digital Learning Strategies and Applications (DLSA 2022), Taipei, Taiwan. Hanafri, I. H., Chen, H.-L.* & Yohannes, A. (2022). An approach to online learning that integrates self-regulated learning, gamification, and formative assessment to improve engagement and achievement. Paper presented at the 7th Conference on Digital Learning Strategies and Applications (DLSA 2022), Taipei, Taiwan. (2022/5/13) 陳秀玲*、陳庭瑤 (2021),以設計思考為核心之創意教學課程對師培生創意教學自我效能之影響。論文發表於「2021ICEET數位學習與教育科技國際演討會」,台灣台北。(最佳論文獎) 陳秀玲*、潘姿佑 (2021),數位敘事教學結合反思平台對研究生反思表現之影響。論文發表於「2021ICEET數位學習與教育科技國際演討會」,台灣台北。(最佳海報論文獎) Alemayehu, L., & Chen, H.-L.* (2021). Higher Education Students' motivation Influence on Learning Engagement: The Mediating Role of Learning Self-Efficacy and Self-Monitoring in Online Learning Environments. Paper presented at the 6th Conference on Digital Learning Strategies and Applications (DLSA 2021), Taipei, Taiwan. 陳秀玲、李翊禎 (2021),以ORID焦點討論法及數位敘事反思平台探究師資生反思思考之歷程。論文發表於「2021國家講座系列活動:「前瞻思維、跨域研究」研究生學術精進研討會」,台灣台北。 張秋珍、陳秀玲 (2021),以互動電子書輔助立體三視圖之學習―以台北市某國中七年級學生為例。論文發表於「2021國家講座系列活動:「前瞻思維、跨域研究」研究生學術精進研討會」,台灣台北。 陳秀玲、鄔尹樂 (2020),結合翻轉教室與線上即時回饋系統促進學生學習動機與學習投入之教學實踐研究。論文發表於「2020第十一屆教育創新國際學術研討會」,台灣台北。 Tai, H.-C., Chen, C.-M., Tsai, Y.-H., & Chen, H.-L. (2020). Learning English as Foreign Language through Guided Writing Practice: An fMRI Study of Healthy Taiwanese Students. Paper presented at the 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), online. 陳秀玲、林季儒 (2020),翻轉教室融入數位故事對師培生閱讀策略與反思能力之影響。論文發表於「第五屆數位學習策略與應用研討會 (DLSA 2020)」,台灣台北。 Chen, H.-L., & Liao, Y.-C. (2019). Exploring high school students’ Collaborative learning experiences in workplace English with Virtual Reality. Paper presented at the 25th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing (CollabTech 2019), Kyoto, Japan. Chen, H.-L., & Chuan, Y.-C. (2019). Using Ren’py as a digital storytelling tool to enhance students’ learning. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on e-learning (EL 2019), Porto, Portugal. Chen, H.-L., & Wu, C.-T. (2019). Exploring high school students’ learning experiences in critical thinking through a digital Role Play Game. Paper presented at the 11th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN19), Palma de Mallorca, Spain. 陳秀玲、吳政庭 (2019),數位角色扮演遊戲學習對高中生批判思考技巧之影響」。論文發表於「第二十三屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會 (GCCCE 2019)」,中國武漢。 廖彥均、陳秀玲 (2019),以環景影像(VR)探討高職汽車科職場英文成效。論文發表於「2019數位學習與教育科技國際研討會」,台灣台南市。(最佳海報論文獎) Chen, H.-L., Chen, Y.-R., Chen, S., Chern, M.-J., Wang, H., & Kuan, W.-H. (2018). The Effect of Integrating Creative Problem-Solving Process in an “Industry 4.0” Course on College Students’ Creativity. Paper presented at the 46th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI 2018), Copenhagen, Denmark. Chen, H.-L., Yen, M.-H., Chen, S., Wang C.-Y., Hsu, Y.-S., & Liu, T.-C. (2018). The Role of Feedback in Promoting Self-regulated Digital Learning (SRDL). Paper presented at the 8th International Biennial Conference of EARLI SIG 16 Metacognition, Zurich, Switzerland. Chen, H.-L., & Chen, Y.-R. (2018). An Exploration of Creative Problem Solving Method on College Engineering Students’ Creative Disposition. Paper presented at International Conference of Learning and Education 2018, Tokyo, Japan. Chen, H.-L., & Chang, C.-Y. (2018). Designing a Structured Online Discussion System to Enhance Students' Discussion Quality. Paper presented at International Symposium on Education and Social Sciences (ISESS 2018), Okinawa, Japan. 陳秀玲、莊芸綺 (2018),數位敘事遊戲式學習對高中生批判思考技巧之影響」。論文發表於「第二十二屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會 (GCCCE 2018)」,中國廣州。 楊明珮、陳秀玲 (2018),高職學生使用線上即時回饋系統複習英文單字對學習成效的影響。論文發表於「2018 學術研討會:創新數位教學」,台灣新北市。 陳秀玲、吳政庭 (2018),數位遊戲式學習對高中生批判思考能力之成效。論文發表於「第十三屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 (TWELF 2018)」,台灣台中。 Chen,H.-L., & Wu, J.-J. (2018). The Influence of Integrating Flipped Classroom and Critical Thinking Instruction on High School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and Dispositions. Paper presented at Asia-Pacific Conference on Education, Teaching and Technology 2018, Bangkok, Thailand. Chen, H.-L., Chern, M.-J., Chen, S., Kuan, W.-H., Lin Y.-C. & Zheng, Y.-T. (2017). A preliminary Study of Integrating Creative Strategies in an “Industry 4.0” Project-based Course. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI 2017), Angra do Heroísmo - Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal. Chen, S., Chen, H.-L., Kuan, W.-H., Chern, M.-J., & Tseng, Y.-K. (2017). Interdisciplinary collaborative learning of creativity and projects. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI 2017), Angra do Heroísmo - Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal. Chern, M.-J., Hsia, H.-J., Chen, S., Chen, H.-L., & Kuan, W.-H. (2017). Education of Innovation and creativity thinking on Industry 4.0 course and project. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI 2017), Angra do Heroísmo - Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal. You, J.-H., Yang, Z.-M.; Yang, C.-Y., Wen-Hsuan Kuan, W.-H., Chen, S., Chen, H.-L., Chern, M.-J. Realization of Industry 4.0 in Objective Identification and Smart Sensing with OpenCV & NI Vision. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI 2017), Angra do Heroísmo - Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal. 陳秀玲、吳佳家、江寬慈(2017),「電腦支援協助學習情境下,探討研究生線上同步對話之批判思考」,第二十一屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會 (GCCCE 2017),中國北京。 Chen, H.-L.*, Lin, Y.-C. (2017). Developing Creative Strategies in a Project-based Course to Elevate the Creative Climate. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Education (ICEDU 2017), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Chen, H.-L., Chen, S., Chern, M.-J., Kuan, W.-H., & Su, C.-Y.(2016). Creative Thinking Instructional Strategy in the Project Curriculum for Information Engineering Students. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, Tampere, Finland. Chen, S., Tseng, Y.-K., Lu, C.-Y., Chern, M.-J., Kuan, W.-H., & Chen, H.-L. (2016). Engineering practices in secondary schools. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, Tampere, Finland. Kuan, W.-H., Liao, Y.-H., Chen, Y.-H., Lu, M.-R., Chu, T.-T., Chen, S., Chern, M.-J., & Chen, H.-L.(2016). Development of a Computer-Assisted Instrumentation Platform for High-Tc Superconductor Phase Transition Measurement with LabVIEW and ELVIS II. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, Tampere, Finland. Chen, H.-L., & Chang, C.-Y. (2016). Integration of Flipped Classroom and CSCL: A Case Study on Student Teachers in Taiwan. Paper presented at EdMedia 2016: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Vancouver, Canada. 陳秀玲、楊善媛 (2016). 情境式數位遊戲對高中生英語學習成效之影響。論文發表於「第二十屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會 (GCCCE 2016)」,香港。 陳秀玲、莊媛婷 (2016). How to Flip? Seven Practical Steps for Conducting the Flipped Classroom in Higher Education - A Case Study。論文發表於「2016數位學習學術研討會」,台北。 Chen, H.-L., & Chang, C.-Y. (2015). The effect of flipped classroom integrating CSCL contexts on the student teachers’ learning achievements and course satisfaction. Paper presented at the International Conference on Education and E-Learning, Tokyo, Japan. (Best Paper Award) Chen, H.-L., & Chang, T.-J. (2015). The effects of integration of online peer- and self-assessment on college students’ English writing. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Education, St. Petersburg, Russia. Chen, H.-L., & Huang, C.-H. (2014). Effects of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning strategies on students’ problem solving process. Paper presented at The Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Shanghai, China. 陳秀玲、楊善媛 (2014).情境式角色扮演遊戲對高中生英語學習成效、態度與心流經驗之初探研究。論文發表於「2014數位合作與個人化學習研討會」,新竹。 陳秀玲、林季瑤 (2014). 運用資訊融入教學支援自我步調學習以促進國中生基礎手縫能力之研究。論文發表於「2014數位合作與個人化學習研討會」,新竹。 陳秀玲、林庭漢 (2013).大學生自我效能與Facebook分享行為、習慣、感受之研究。論文發表於「2013數位內容學術研討會」,宜蘭。 陳秀玲、吳筱莉 (2013).高中英語自我導向學習傾向調查。論文發表於「2013台灣英語教學學術研討會」,雲林。 吳宜燕、陳秀玲、黃國禎 (2013).以電腦概念構圖學習策略促進高職學生國文閱讀理解、重點摘要能力之研究。論文發表於「第九屆台灣數位學習發展研討會」,台中。 Chen, H.-L., Wang, Y.-L. (2013). The impacts of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning strategies on critical thinking performance. Paper presented at The European Conference on Technology in the Classroom, Brighton, UK. Chang, T.-J., Chen, H,-L. (2013). The effects of peer assessment on English writing of college students. Paper presented at The International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers, Pattaya, Thailand. 陳秀玲、蔡承岳、朱麗蓉 (2012).網路合作學習策略對不同性別學生學習成效之影響。論文發表於「第十六屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會」,屏東。 盧昉暄、陳秀玲、黃國禎 (2012).「由設計中學習」的研究趨勢- 1991至2011年文獻分析。論文發表於「第十六屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會」,屏東。 賴秋琳、黃國禎、陳秀玲 (2012).擴增實境融入教學之學習成效分析。論文發表於「第十六屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會」,屏東。 陳秀玲、黃嘉慧 (2012).Wiki 融入教學之合作學習成效探討。論文發表於「2012數位合作學習與個人化學習研討會」,桃園。 Chen, H.-L. (2012). Designing concrete rules for computer-supported collaborative learning. Paper presented at International Journal of Arts and Sciences’ Conference, Vienna, Austria. 陳秀玲、蕭文涓 (2011).噓! 不能說的秘密: 台灣大學生的網路學術不誠實。論文發表於「2011電腦與網路科技在教育上的應用研討會」,新竹。 陳秀玲、王雅玲 (2011).青少年心理特徵對網路討論行為之影響。論文發表於「第七屆台灣數位學習發展研討會」,台北。 Chen, H.-L. (2011). The Influence of Internet-dependent Coping Strategy upon Integrating the Internet into Instruction of elementary school teachers. Paper presented at 13th Annual International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece. 陳秀玲、王雅玲 (2010).學生線上英文學習策略及其學習工具之初探。論文發表於「2010技職教育永續發展學術研討會」,台北。 Chen, H.-L. (2010). Identifying teachers’Internet copying strategies through factor analysis. Paper presented at The KSET 2010 Conference: Ecological Integration of Learning, Technology, and Environment, Seoul, Korea. 陳秀玲、朱麗蓉、黃千芳 (2010).網路支援合作學習應用於國中輔導課程之研究。論文發表於「2010電腦與網路科技在教育上的應用研討會」,新竹。 陳秀玲、謝庭育、簡林伶 (2010).高中職教師資訊科技融入教學及社會互動之歷程。論文發表於「2010電腦與網路科技在教育上的應用研討會」,新竹。 陳秀玲、王玉華 (2009).高職教師搜尋策略及其資訊評判標準。論文發表於「2009台灣教育研究學術研討會」,高雄。 陳秀玲、白家禎 (2009).大學生網路搜尋策略與網路自我效能之研究。論文發表於「2009台灣教育研究學術研討會」,高雄。 Chen, H.-L. (2009). Internet self-efficacy and behavior in integrating the Internet into instruction: A study of vocational high school teachers in Taiwan. Paper presented at Fourth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Nice, France. 陳秀玲、朱麗蓉 (2009).準備好了嗎? 未來學校與未來教師--資訊科技融入中學公民課程之現況探討。論文發表於「2009數位學習創新與應用學術研討會」,高雄。 Chen, H.-L., Chu, R.-J., Fei, Y.-M., Chu, L.-J. (2009). Elementary school teachers’ perceptions and behaviour in integrating the Internet into instruction. Paper presented at CAL 09’: Learning in Digital Worlds, Brighton, UK. Chu, R.-J., Chen, H.-L., Lin, C.-C., Lee, H.-Y. (2008). Learning Influences of Family Support and Self-directed upon the Internet Self-efficacy of Middle Aged and Old Adults. Paper presented at TELearn, Hanoi, Vietnam. 陳秀玲、費聿明、陳怡璇 (2008).高職教師網路自我效能與網路融入教學行為之調查研究。論文發表於「2008科技與學習學術研討會」,屏東。 陳秀玲、陳怡璇 (2008).高職教師網路因應策略與網路融入教學行為之調查研究。論文發表於「2008IETAC資訊教育與科技應用研討會」,台中。 陳秀玲、蘇筑筠、許信德 (2008).特性要因圖對高職生創意問題解決能力之影響。論文發表於「2008創造力教育國際學術研討會」,台北、高雄。 陳秀玲、陳瑩芝 (2008).以TAM擴充模式探討臺北市國民小學教師網路科技融入教學行為之初探性研究。論文發表於「2008數位科技與創新管理研討會」,台北。 陳秀玲、簡林伶、謝庭育 (2008).老師,伸出操縱滑鼠的魔力吧! 探討高中職教師網路自我效能在網路科技融入教學歷程之角色。論文發表於「2008數位落差國際學術研討會」,雲林。 陳秀玲、簡林伶、陳怡璇 (2008).高中職教師網路教學之初探。論文發表於「2008技職教育永續發展學術研討會」,台北。 Chen, H.-L., & Chen, S. (2008). College science instructors’ views and experiences of curriculum reform. Paper presented at NARST, Baltimore, America. Hsu, H.-T., Chen, H.-L., & Fei, Y.-M. (2008). An application of CAT for assessing students’ technological creativity. Paper presented at 6th International Conference on Imagination and Education, Canberra, Australia. 陳秀玲、邱瓊玉 (2007).台北縣市高職學生家庭氣氛與線上遊戲行為之關係研究。論文發表於「2007年學校家庭教育推展學術研討會」,嘉義。 陳秀玲、邱瓊玉 (2007).台北縣市高職學生線上遊戲經驗、家庭氣氛與創造性傾向之關係研究。論文發表於「2007年臺灣教育學術研討會」,台北。 陳秀玲、葉文婷 (2007).自我概念與創造力相關之研究--以台北縣市國中生為例」。論文發表於「第五屆創新與創造力研討會」,台北。 陳秀玲、何佳盈、葉文婷 (2006).台北縣市高職商業類科應屆畢業生參與技能檢定意願之研究。論文發表於「課程、教學與評量理論與實務研討會」,彰化。 陳秀玲、許信德、蘇筑筠 (2005).合作學習對高職生人際互動與問題解決歷程影響之研究--以專題製作課程為例。論文發表於「第七屆中等學校之教學與學習研討會」,新竹。 陳秀玲 (2004).「高職化學工業概論」之多媒體輔助教材研發(II)。論文發表於「九十三學年度教育部課程中心研究成果發表會」,台北。 陳秀玲 (2003).「高職化學工業概論」之多媒體輔助教材研發(I)。論文發表於「九十二學年度教育部課程中心研究成果發表會」,台北。 陳秀玲 (2003).電腦多媒體在教學上之應用。論文發表於「海峽兩岸高職教育研討會」,天津。 陳秀玲 (2000).以電腦多媒體設計高職「基本電學」科輔助教材之研究。論文發表於「九十一學年度教育部課程中心研究成果發表會」,台北。 陳秀玲 (2000).健康促進學校計畫之學生社團--哈豆下社的心聲。論文發表於「中華民國學校衛生學會學術研討會」,台北。 |